Dark Season Blues + HalloWeek | Romtilbud

Dark Season Blues + HalloWeek | Romtilbud

Spesialtilbud og arrangementer kun for Dark Season Blues og halloween-uken.

Vi lyser opp mørketiden med et utrolig tilbud for deg! Nyt våre spesielle rompriser for ditt opphold denne Dark Season Blues Halloween, perioden 20. oktober til 5. november!

Få et enkeltrom for 790,- NOK og et tomannsrom for 890,- NOK. Frokost inkludert!

Betingelser og vilkår

  • Minimum 3-netters opphold
  • Non-refundable/Ikke refunderbar

About these events

Dark Season Blues

Dark Season Blues (24 to 27 Okt) er en årlig bluesmusikkfestival som arrangeres i slutten av oktober som markerer starten på den mørke årstiden når dagslys og sol begynner å forlate Svalbard i fire vintermåneder.

Denne festivalen viser frem opptredener av lokale, norske og internasjonale musikere på ulike arenaer i Longyearbyen. Mer informasjon om festivalen her: https://www.svalbardblues.com/21825/artistslipp-dark-season-blues-2024/


Tilbring den skumleste tiden på året opp i 78 grader nord!

HalloWeek! (29 Oct to 2 Nov) er vår årlige feiring av Halloween, hvor vi tilbyr filmkvelder, spillkvelder, en skummel sightseeingtur og en koselig Halloween-middag den siste kvelden, hvor vi vil ha en rikholdig buffetmiddag tilberedt av oss. Netter med latter, moro og også spenning!

Her er programmene vi har forberedt for deg som vil få deg til å skjelve i støvlene rett før heksetimen:

istockphoto 1061429196 612x612 1

29. oktober, tirsdag, kl 19


Hva er det mest typiske du kan gjøre under Halloween?! Se en skrekkfilm – selvfølgelig. Vi starter halloween-uken med å se tidenes skumleste film. Det blir garantert gøy, med den perfekte Halloween-stemningen. Vi gir deg den mest skremmende filmen. Vær forsiktig, det er mørkt ute, så du vet aldri hvem eller hva som kan snike seg inn på hostellet vårt og klatre inn for å hjemsøke deg.

Vi vil benytte oss av den store projektoren vår og TV-stua. Filmen starter kl 19:00.

Betaling av 30,- per person. Beløpet skal brukes til snacks og drikke!

30. oktober, onsdag, kl 19

Spooky guided tour to the scary corners of  the town

What better thing to do on Halloween than going outside for a walk through the city? We will use the eerie atmosphere in the darkness to discover Nybyen and Longyearbyen. Get a unique city walk during the darkest time of the year! Be careful not to lose your nerves … but do not worry much, as the lady Aurora might guide us on our walk while she graces the sky above us!

The ideal route for this tour is Nybyen-Mine 2B-Huset-Cemetery-Church-Town. We will tell you not only spooky stories but also historical facts about our little town. 

We can end the tour with a short and relaxed visit to one of the pubs in town.

Since it is generally dark in Longyearbyen, a reflective vest is a must when walking around. You can purchase the vest at the reception.

The fee for the spooky sightseeing walk is 185 NOK per person.  The tour starts at 19:00 and we meet up on the main stairs of the hostel. The tour will take approximately 2 hours. Dress warmly! Otherwise, we have to get Casper to give you warm hugs 👻

From our previous spooky walk, we saw Northern Lights!
Casper will follow us everywhere....
Spooky cemetery...
board game friends playing table sofa

31. October, Thursday, 19:00

Game Night

In between all our scary events, we will have a calm evening sitting comfortably together to play some board or card games…. But who knows, it’s Halloween. So, you never know what could happen. :P

We encourage you to bring some board games with you if you can! What about introducing us to a game that’s original to where you come from? That would be cool!

Planned games are Charades, Jenga, Board games, Card games, and an interesting Quiz on Kahoot!

No fee, just bring some snacks we can share with others! 19:00 at the coffee room.

1 November - Happy Halloween!

Spooky (but cozy) Halloween dinner buffet

What’s Halloween without delicious food and great company? We’ll be wrapping up the exciting week with a warm and cheerful evening filled with tasty treats, wonderful friends, and a joyful (maybe a little spooky?) atmosphere!

The menu in plan (tentative):

  • Sausage fingers
  • Filipino Spring Rolls
  • Cookies 
  • Legendary Home-made Pork Adobo
  • Legendary Home-made Korean Fried Chicken 
  • and more!


It’s the Halloween! So you are to dress up to your Halloween character of the year. Do not forget to bring it with you :) Dinner Fee: 195,- per person. We, the staff will be doing the food! Drinks can be purchased at the reception.

sausage mummies!
photo from our previous Halloween night
it's dinner time!
  • For each different Halloween event, we will require you to register. Please send us an email specifying which of the events you would want to participate in, so we have the list!
  • Please remember that on the last day of our hallo-week, a Halloween dinner will be held, so we encourage you to dress up to another character apart from yourself, if you can, it’d be FUN!
  • To those participating in the Halloween dinner, please give us your allergy information upon registration.
  • Encourage your friends to come! It’d be cool to spend your Halloween in the darkest place, with the coolest people! :)


Whether you’re here to experience the magical polar night, enjoy the festival vibes, or simply seek a cozy getaway, Gjestehuset 102 is your perfect base. See you!